Phage therapy literature

Phage therapy has a rich history. The first paper that has to do with it was published in 1896. On this page you can find the literature of the field I was able to track down.
I appreciate hints for references I missed and new papers not yet added


  • Abdul-Hassan, H.S. et al. (1990) ‘Bacteriophage therapy of pseudomonas burn wound sepsis‘ Ann Mediterr Burn Club 4:262-264
  • Ackermann, H.-W. (2001) ‘The rise of bacteriophages‘ Virol 5:35-43
  • Adamia, R. et al: (1990) ‘The virulent bacteriophage IRA of Salmonella typhimurium: cloning of phage genes that are potentially lethal for the host cell‘ J Basic Microbiol 30:707-716
  • Adhya, S. et al. (2005) ‘2004 ASM Conference on the New Phage Biology: the ‹Phage Summit’‘ Mol Microbiol 55:1300-14
  • Ahmad, S. I. (2002) ‘Treatment of post-burns bacterial infections by bacteriophages, specifically ubiquitous Pseudomonas spp. notoriously resistant to antibiotics‘ Med Hypotheses 58:327-31
  • Akimkin, V.G. et al. (1998) ‘Ispol’zovanie adaptirovannogo sal’monelleznogo bakteriofaga v praktike lecheniia i profilaktiki nozokomial’nogo sal’monelleza‘ [‘Practical use of adapted Salmonella bacteriophage for the treatment and prevention of nosocomial infections‘]. Zhurn Mikrobiol Epidem Immunobiol 85-86
  • Alisky, J. et al. (1998) ‘Bacteriophages show promise as antimicrobial agents‘ J Infect 36:5-15
  • Anonymus (1930) ‘Bacteriophage therapy‘ Ind Med Gaz 65:91
  • Anonymus (1931) ‘Limitations of Bacteriophage Therapy‘ JAMA 96: 693
  • Anonymus (1932) ‘Further limitations of Bacteriophage Therapy‘ JAMA 98:1190
  • Anonymus (1933) Editorial 100:1431-1432
  • Anonymus (1933) Editorial JAMA 100:1603-1604
  • Anonymus (2006) [‘Ambivalent bacteriophages of different species active on Escherichia coli K12 and Salmonella sps. strains‘] Genetika 42:159-68
  • Asheshov, I. (1922) Compt Rend Soc Biol 87:168
  • Asheshov, I. et. al. (1931) ‘The treatment of cholera with bacteriaphage‘ Ind med Gaz 66:179
  • Asheshov, I. et. al. (1937) Lancet 1:319-320
  • Atterbury, R. J. et al. (2007) ‘Bacteriophage therapy to reduce salmonella colonization of broiler chickens‘ Appl Environ Microbiol 73:4543-9
  • Babsky, E. B. et al. (eds) Microbiology and Epidemiology – Achievements of Soviet Medicine in the Patriotic War, Medical Publications (English edition)
  • Barrow, P.A. and Soothill, J.S. (1997) ‘Bacteriophage Therapy and Prophylaxis: rediscovery and renewed assessment of the potential‘ Trends Microbiol 5:268-271
  • Barrow, P.A. et al. (1998) ‘Use of lytic bacteriophage for control of experimental Escherichia coli septicemia and meningitis in chickens and calves‘ Clin Diag Lab Immunol 5:294-298
  • Beckerich, A., Hauduroy, P. (1922) ‘Le bactériophage dans le traitment de la fièvre typhoïde‘ Compt Rend Soc Biol 86:168
  • Belikov, P.E. (1947) ‘The fight against intestinal infections‘ Am Rev Sov Med 4:238-42
  • Berchieri, A. et al. (1991) ‘The activity in the chicken alimentary tract of bacteriophages lytic for Salmonella typhimurium‘ Res Microbiol 142:541-549
  • Bertoye et. al. (1959) ‘Les bacteriophages adaptes dans le traitement des infections a germes resistant aux antibiotiques‘ J Med Lyon 20. Mai:465-471
  • Bertschinger, J.P. (1957) ‘Le bactériophage’ Schw Apothekenzeit 95:479–87
  • Biswas, B. et al. (2002) ‘Bacteriophage therapy rescues mice bacteremic from a clinical isolate of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium‘ Infect Immun 70:204-10
  • Blahova, J. et al. (2001) ‘Bacteriophages transducing antibiotic resistance from a cluster of lysogenic strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from patients‘ J Chemother 13:331-333
  • Bock, E (1939) ‘Zur Anwendung von Bakteriophagen in der Therapie bei der Wehrmacht‘ Dtsch Mil-Arzt 4:273
  • Bogovazova, G.G. et al. (1991) [The efficacy of Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteriophage in the therapy of experimental Klebsiella infection]. [Russian]. Zhurn Mikrobiol, Epidem i Immunobiol 4:5-8
  • Bogovazova, G.G. et. al. (1992). [Immunobiological properties and therapeutic effectiveness of preparations from Klebsiella bacteriophages]. [Russian]. Zhurn Mikrobiol, Epidem i Immunobiol 30-33.
  • Boratinski, J. et al. (2004) ‘Preparation of endotoxin-free bacteriophages‘ Cell Mol Biol Lett 9:253-9
  • Bordet, J. et Ciuca, M. (1920) ‘Excsudats leucocytaires et autolyses microbiennes transmissible‘ Compt Rend Soc Biol 83:1296
  • Bordet, J. et Ciuca, M. (1920) ‘Le bacteriophage de d’Herelle, sa production et son interpretation‘ Compt rend Soc Biol 83:1296
  • Bordet, J. et Ciuca, M. (1921) ‘Autolyse microbienne et serum antilytique‘ Compt Rend Soc Biol 84:280
  • Bordet, J. et Ciuca, M. (1921) ‘Determinisme de l’autolyse microbienne transmissible‘ Compt Rend Soc Biol 84:276
  • Bordet, J. et Ciuca, M. (1921) ‘Evolution des cultures de coli lysogene‘ Compt Rend Soc Biol 84:747
  • Bordet, J. et Ciuca, M. (1921) ‘Guerison et retour a l’etat primitif, par le serum antilytique, du coli lysogene‘ Compt Rend Soc Biol 84:748
  • Bordet, J. et Ciuca, M. (1921) ‘Remarques sur l’histoire des recherches, concernant la lyse microbienne transmissible‘ Compt Rend Soc Biol 84:745
  • Bordet, J. et Ciuca, M. (1921) ‘Spécificité de l’autolyse microbienne transmissible‘ Compt Rend Soc Biol 84:278
  • Bordet, J. (1921) ‘Discussion on the bacteriophage‘ BMJ, 2:289-297
  • Bordet, J. (1924) ‘La théorie de l’autolyse transmissible et les objections de d‘Herelle‘ Compt Rend Soc Biol 90:96-8
  • Bordet, J. (1925) ‘La théorie de l’autolyse transmissible et les objections de d‘Herelle‘ Compt Rend Soc Biol 93:1432
  • Bordet, J. (1925) ‘Pouvoir lysogene actif ou spontane et pouvoir lysogene passif ou provoqué‘ Compt rend Soc Biol 93:1054
  • Bordet, J. (1926) ‘A propos de la note ci-dessus de d‘Herelle‘ Compt Rend Soc Biol 94:975
  • Bordet, J. (1931) ‘Croonian Lecture-The theories of bacteriophage‘ Proc Roy Soc London Ser B 107:398-417
  • Bower, AG (1938) ‘Modern treatment of typhoid fever‘ Mil Surgeon 83:70
  • Boyd, J.S.K. and Portnoy, B. (1944) ‘Bacteriophage therapy in bacillary dysentery‘ Trans Roy Soc Trop Med Hyg 37:243-262
  • Bronfenbrenner, J.J. and Sulkin, E. (1939) ‘Bacteriophage therapy. II. Prophylactic and therapeutic effect of bacteriophage and of antivirus in experimental infections of the eye‘ J Infect Dis 65:58
  • Bronfenbrenner, J.J. and Sulkin, E. (1939) ‘Bacteriophage therapy. III. On the nature of the deleterious effect of the local application of staphylococcus bacteriophage‘ J Infect Dis 65:64-72
  • Broxmeyer, L. et al. (2002) ‘Killing of Mycobacterium avium and Mycobacterium tuberculosis by a Mycobacteriophage Delivered by a Nonvirulent Mycobacterium: A Model for Phage Therapy of Intracellular Bacterial Pathogens‘J Infect Dis 186:1155-60
  • Brüssow, H. (2005) ‘Phage therapy: the Escherichia coli experience‘ Microbiol 151:2133-40
  • Bruttin, A. and Brüssow, H. (2005) ‘Human volunteers receiving Escherichia coli phage T4 orally: a safety test of phage therapy‘ Antimicrob Agents Chemother 49:2874-8
  • Bruynoghe, R. and J. Maisin (1921) ‘Essais de therapeutique au moyen du bacteriophage du staphylocoque‘ C R Soc Biol 85:1120-1121
  • Bruynoghe, R. and Maisin, J. (1921) ‘Essais de therapeutique au moyen du bacteriophage du staphylocoque‘ C R Soc Biol 85:1118
  • Bruynoghe, R. and Maisin, J. (1921) ‘Essais de therapeutique au moyen du bacteriophage du staphylocoque‘ C R Soc Biol 85:1122
  • Bryant, R.E. et al. (1965) ‘Treatment of recurrent furunculosis with staphylococcal bacteriophage-lysed vaccine‘ JAMA 194:11-14
  • Bull, J.J. et al. (2002) ‘Dynamics of success and failure in phage and antibiotic therapy in experimental infections‘ BMC Microbiol 2:35
  • Burckhardt (1944) ‘Placentadurchlässigkeit für Phagen‘ Ph.D. Thesis Univ. of Basel
  • Burnet, F. and McKie, M. (1929) ‘Observations on a permanently lysogenic strain of B. enteridis gaerther‘ Austral J Exptl Biol Med Sci 6:277-284
  • Burnet, F.M. (1930) ‘Bacteriophage and cognate phenomena‘ in A System of bacteriology, Vol. 7, London, pp. 463-509
  • Burnet, F.M. et al. (1930) ‘Investigations on bacilliary dysentery in infants, with special reference to the bacteriophage phenomena‘ Med J Austral 2:71-78
  • Burnet, F.M. (1934). ‘The bacteriophages‘ Biol Rev Cambridge Phil Soc 9:332-350
  • Caldwell, J. (1928) ‘Bacteriologic and bacteriophagic study of infected urines‘ J Infect Dis 39:343-362
  • Cao, J. et al. (2000) ‘Helicobacter pylori-antigen-binding fragments expressed on the filamentous M13 phage prevent bacterial growth‘  Biochim Biophys Acta 1474:107-113
  • Capparelli, R. et al. (2007) ‘Experimental Phage Therapy against Staphylococcus aureus in Mice.‘ Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2007 518:2765-73
  • Carlton, R.M. (1999) ‘Phage therapy: past history and future prospects‘ Arch Immunol Ther Exp 47:267-274
  • Carrera, M.R. et al. (2004) ‘Treating cocaine addiction with viruses‘ PNAS 101:10416-10421
  • Cerveny, K.E. et al. (2002) ‘Phage Therapy of Local and Systemic Disease Caused by Vibrio vulnificus in Iron-Dextran-Treated Mice‘ Infect Immun 70:6251-62
  • Chang, H.-C. et al. (2005) ‘Isolation and Characterization of Novel Giant Stenotrophomonas maltophilia Phage {phi}SMA5‘ Appl Environ Microbiol 71:1387-93
  • Chanishvili, N. et al. (2001) ‘Phages and their application against drug resistant bacteria’ J Chem Technol Biotechnol 76:1–11
  • Cheng, Q. et al. (2005) ‘Removal of group B streptococci colonizing the vagina and oropharynx of mice with a bacteriophage, lytic enzyme‘ Antimicrob Agent Chemother 49:111-117
  • Cherwonogrodzky, J.W. (2005) ‘Research strategies for the treatment of biothreats‘ Curr Opin Pharmacol 5:465-72
  • Chibani-Chennoufi, S. et al. (2004) ‘Isolation of Escherichia coli bacteriophages from the stool of paediatric diarrhoea patients in Bangladesh’, J Bact 186:8287–94
  • Chibani-Chennoufi, S. et al. (2004) ‘In Vitro and In Vivo Bacteriolytic Activities of Escherichia coli phages: Implications for Phage Therapy‘ Antimicrob Agents Chemother 48:2558-69
  • Choudhury and Morison, J. (1929) ‘The spread of dysentery in a khasi village and its treatment with bacteriophage‘ Ind Med Gaz 64
  • Cislo, M. et al. (1987) ‘Bacteriophage treatment of suppurative skin infections‘ Arch Immunolog Therap Exp (Warsz) 35:175-183
  • Ciuca, M. (1923) ‘Présence de principe lytique pour le bacille de Shiga et le colibacille dans les selles des choleriques‘ Compt Rend Soc Biol 88:143
  • Clajus, W. (1959) ‘Die therapeutische Anwendung von Bakteriophagen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Typhus and Paratypus‘ Zentralbl Bakteriol Parasitenkd Infektionskr Hyg Abt 1 Ref 170:427-495
  • Clark, P.F. and Schiedt, C.A. (1927) ‘A bacteriophage active against a virulent hemolytic streptococcus‘ Proc Soc Exp Biol 24: 635-639
  • Clauberg, K.W. (1944) ‘Therapeutische und prophylaktische Massnahmen bei Typhus- Paratyphus- und Diphterie-Bazillenausscheidern‘ Thp Gegenw 85:58
  • Coleman, D.C. et al. (1989) ‘Staphylococcus aureus bacteriophages mediating the simultaneous lysogenic conversion of beta-lysin, staphylokinase and enterotoxin A: Molecular mechanism of triple conversion‘ J Gen Micr 135: 1679-1697
  • Compton, A. (1942) ‘Phage therapy in diarrhoea and dysentery‘ BMJ I:719-720
  • Compton, A. (1944) ‘Results of bacteriophage treatment of bacillary dysentery at Alexandria A statistical retrospect‘ Lancet v2:192-193
  • Compton, A. (1949) ‘Felix d’Herelle (Obituary)‘ Nature 163:984-985
  • Corbel, M.J. and Morris, J.A. (1980) ‘Investigation of the effect of Brucella-phage on the course of experimental infection with Brucella abortus‘ Brit Vet J 136:278-289
  • Couvy, L. und Popoff (1931) ‘Essai de traitement de la peste par le bacteriophage‘ Presse med 36:817
  • D‘Herelle, F. (1916) ‘Sur un bacille dysenterique atypique‘ Ann Inst Pasteur 30:145-7
  • D‘Herelle, F. (1917). ‘Sur un microbe invisible antagoniste des bacteries dysentèriques‘ Compt Rend Acad Sci Paris 165:373
  • D‘Herelle (1920) ‘Sur le microbe Bacteriophage. Compt rend Soc Biol 83:247
  • D’Herelle, F. (1920) ‘Phénomènes coincidant avec l’aquisition de la resistance des bacteries a l’action du bacteriophage‘ Compt Rend Soc Biol 83:384
  • D’Herelle, F. (1920) ‘Sur la résistance des bacteries à l’action du microbe  Bacteriophage‘ Compt rend Soc Biol. 83:97
  • D’Herelle, F. (1920) ‘Sur le microbe bacteriophage‘ Compt rend Soc Biol 83:1318
  • D’Herelle, F. (1920) Sur la nature du  Bacteriophage‘ Compt rend Soc Biol 83:339
  • D’Herelle, F. and Eliava, G. (1921) ‘Sur le serum anti-bacteriophage‘ Compt Rend Soc Biol 84:719
  • D’Herelle, F. (1921) ‘Le microbe bactériophage, agent d’immunité dans la peste et la barbone‘ C R Acad Sci Ser D 172:99
  • D’Herelle, F. (1921) Le bactériophage: son rôle dans l’immunité, Masson
  • D‘Herelle, F. (1921) ‘Le bactériophage: Son rôle dans l’immunité‘ Presse méd 29:463
  • D‘Herelle, F. (1922) The Bacteriophage: Its Role in Immunity Williams and Wickens Co./Waverly Press
  • D‘Herelle, F. et al. (1922) ‘Discussion on the Bacteriophage (Bacteriolysin) from the Ninetieth Annual Meeting of the British Medical Association, Glasgow, July, 1922‘ BMJ 2:289-297
  • D’Herelle, F. (1923) ‘Sur l’autonomie du bacteriophage‘ Compt Rend Soc Biol 87:25
  • D’Herelle, F. (1923) ‘Sur l’etat physique du bacteriophage‘ Compt Rend Soc Biol 87:27
  • D’Herelle, F. (1923) Les défenses de l’organisme, Ernest Flammarion
  • D‘Herelle (1923) ‘Sur la presence du bacteriophage dans les leucocytes‘ Compt. Rend. Soc. Biol. 87:477
  • D’Herelle, F. (1924) Immunity in natural infections and disease, Smith D’Herelle, F. (1925) ‘Essai de traitement de la peste bubonique par le bacteriophage‘ Presse med 33:1393-94
  • D’Herelle, F. (1926) ‘Sur la theorie de l’autolyse transmissible de Bordet et Ciuca‘ Compt rend Soc Biol 94:973
  • D’Herelle, F. (1926) Le Bactériophage et son comportement, Masson et Cie
  • D’Herelle, F. (1928) Le Choléra asiatique, Masson
  • D’Herelle, F et. al (1929) ‘Studies on asiatic cholera‘ Ind Med Res Mem 14:1-161
  • D’Herelle, F. (1930) The bacteriophage and its behaviour, Ballier, Tindall & Cox, London/The Williams and Wilkins Company, Baltimore
  • D’Herelle, F. and Smith G.H. (1930) The Bacteriophage and its Clinical Application, Charles C. Thomas
  • D’Herelle, F. (1931) ‘Le phenomene de Twort et la bacteriophagie‘ Ann Inst Pasteur 47, 241
  • D’Herelle, F. (1931) ‘Le phenomene de Twort et la Bacteriophagie‘ Ann Inst Pasteur 46:618
  • D’Herelle (1931) ‘Le phenomene de Twort et la bacteriophagie‘ Ann Inst Pasteur 47:470-1
  • D’Herelle, F. (1933) Le Bactériophage et ses applications thérapeutiques, G. Doin et Cie
  • D’Herelle, F. (1935) Bacteriophag i fenomen vyzdorovleniya, Tbilisi National University
  • D’Herelle, F. (1938) Le Phénomène de la guérison dans les maladies infectieuses, Masson
  • D’Herelle, F. (1949) ‘Le bactériophage‘ Atomes 3:399-403
  • D’Herelle, F. (1949) ‘The bacteriophage‘ Science News (Penguin) 14:44-59
  • Da Costa Cruz, J. (1924) ‘La traitment des dysentéries bacillaires par le bactériophage‘ Compt Med Rend Soc Biol 91:845-6
  • Dabrowska, K. et al. (2005) ‘Bacteriophage penetration in vertebrates‘ J Appl Microbiol 98:7-13
  • Danelia, N. et al. (1998) ‘Bakteriophagen zur Therapie von multi-resistenten Bakterien’ Zeitschr Wundbeh 3: 16–17
  • Darsavelidze, M.A. et al. (2004) ‘Biological properties of bacteriophages, active to Yersinia enterocolitica‘ (Russian) Zh Mikrobiol Epidemiol Immunobiol 6:10-3
  • Das, P. (2001) ‘Bacteriophage therapy offers new hope for streptococcal infections‘ Lancet, 35:938
  • Davioud (1929) ‘Septico-pyohemie a staphylocoque doré par le bacteriophage intraveineux‘ Presse med 33:1413
  • Davison, W.C. (1922) ‘The bacteriolysis and therapy of bacillary dysentery  in children. Therapeutic application of bacteriolysants; d’Herelle’s phenomenon‘ Am J Dis Child 23:531
  • Debattista, J. (2004) ‘Bacteriophage therapy: where East meets West‘ Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther 2:815-9
  • Delbrück, M. (1946) ‘Bacterial viruses or bacteriophages‘ Biol Rev 21:30-40
  • Delmastro, P. et al. (1997) ‘Immunogenicity of filamentous phage displaying peptide mimotopes after oral adminsitration‘ Vaccine 15:1276-1285
  • Dhayagude, R.G. and Banker D.D. ‘Treatment of typhoid fever with bacteriophage‘ Ind J med res 37:249
  • Dixon, B. (1984) ‘Attack of the phages‘ Science 84:66-69
  • Dixon, B. (1987) ‘Bacteriophage therapy‘ BMJ Clin Res Ed 294:1168
  • Dixon, B. (2004) ‘New dawn for phage therapy‘ Lancet Infect Dis 4:186Weld, Weld, R.J. et al. (2004) ‘Models of phage growth and their applicability to phage therapy‘ J Theor Biol 227:1-11
  • Djurkovic S. et al. (2005) ‘Synergistic killing of streptococcus pneumoniae with the bacteriophage lytic enzyme Cpl-1 and penicillin or gentamicin depends on the level of penicillin resistance‘ Antimicrob Agent Chemother 49:1225-1228
  • Dodd, C.E.R. et al. (2004) ‘Longitudinal Study of Campylobacter jejuni Bacteriophages and Their Hosts from Broiler Chickens‘ Appl Environ Microbiol 70:3877-83
  • Doermann, A.D. (1948) ‘Lysis and lysis inhibition with Escherichia coli bacteriophage‘ J Bacteriol 55:257-275
  • Doermann, A.D. (1952) ‘The Intracellular Growth of Bacteriophages. I. Liberation of intracellular bacteriophage T4 by premature lysis with another phage or with cyanide‘ J Gen Physiol 35:645-656
  • Dubos, R.J. et al. (1943). ‘The multiplication of bacteriophage in vivo and its protective effects against an experimental infection with Shigella dysenteriae‘ J Exp Med 78:161-168
  • Duckworth, D. (1976) ‘Who discovered bacteriophage?‘ Bact rev 40:793-802
  • Duerr, D.M. et al. (2004) ‘Identification of peptide sequences that induce the transport of phage across the gastrointestinal mucosal barrier‘ J Virol Methods 116:177-180
  • Dutta N.K. (1964) ‘Prophylaxis and treatment of cholera based on experimental evidences‘ Ind J Med Res 52:933-940
  • Dzuliashvili, M. et al. (2007) ‘Study of therapeutic potential of the experimental pseudomonas bacteriophage preparation.‘ Georgian Med News 147:81-88
  • Eaton, Monroe D. and Stanhope Bayne-Jones (1934) ‘Bacteriophage Therapy Review of the principles and results of the use of bacteriophage in the treatment of infections (I-III) ‘ JAMA 103:1769-1776; 1847-1853; 1934-1939
  • Eliava, G. and Pozerski, E. (1921) ‘Sur les caracteres nouveaux presentes par le bacille de shiga ayant resiste a l’action du bacteriophage de d’Herelle‘ Compt Rend Soc Biol 84:708
  • Eliava, G. and Suarez, E. (1921) ‘Au sujet de l’ultrafiltration du corpuscule bacteriophage‘ Compt rend Soc Biol 84:460
  • Eliava, G. and Suarez, E. (1921) ‘Dimensions du corpuscule bacteriophage‘ Compt rend Soc Biol 84:462
  • Eliava, G. (1927) ‘Au sujet de l’adorption du bacteriophage par les leucocytes‘ Compt Rend Soc Biol 96:829
  • Ellis, E.L. and M. Delbrück (1939) ‘The Growth of Bacteriophage‘ J Gen Physiol 22:365-384
  • Emery D.L. and Whittington R.J. (2004) ‘An evaluation of mycophage therapy, chemotherapy and vaccination for control of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis infection‘ Vet Microbiol 104:143-55
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  • Eyer, L. et al. (2007) ‘Structural protein analysis of the polyvalent staphylococcal bacteriophage 812.‘ Proteomics 7:64-72
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  • Farrar, M.D. et al. (2007) ‘Genome Sequence and Analysis of a Propionibacterium acnes Bacteriophage‘ J Bact 189:4161-4167
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  • Fedorovich, D. P. (1944) ‘Bacteriophage therapy in gunshot wounds‘ Soviet med 8:26
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  • Gabisonia T.G. et al. (1995) ‘Phagotherapy of nosocomial strains of P. aeruginosa belonging to different o-groups‘ Georg Med News 15:19-21
  • Gachechiladze, K.K. et al. (1991) ‘Host-controlled modification and restriction as a criterion of evaluating the therapeutical potential of Pseudomonas phage‘ J Basic Microbiol 31:101-106
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